Sunday, December 4, 2011

Do You Want to Merchandise Your Blog?- DIY SUNDAYS

I know we all dream as bloggers to make money from our blogs at one point or another. However, oftentimes teaming up with advertisers do not always give you enough buck for your bang, as one of my readers pointed out. What to do next, you might wonder. If you are not sure here are some suggestions. Have you ever thought about using your blog to create a business or brand?

I know that often times businesses create blogs to promote their business. However, often we forget that we can create a business from our blog. Today we will explore how to do just that.

Build Your Brand

You have a loyal following and regular traffic, have you ever thought of of creating your own brand? When I speak of 'brand' I am referring to a product that is manufactured under a particular name. Do you know that you can create your own tag line, logo or use your blog name on various products such as t-shirts, caps, pens, mugs and buttons? The interesting thing about all of this is that there are a number of companies that offer this service.

This can be done with the help of any one of these websites:

I like the best because you can open your own online t-shirt shop for free and sell custom t-shirts and other apparel with your designs, logos or text. Spreadshirt takes care of the production, shipping and service. You can set commission on each product and earn money each time you make a sale.

Also, you can sell your designs, without a shop. Create custom t-shirts and other apparel with your own designs and sell through their Marketplace. You can also sell your designs from their T-Shirt Designer. You set a commission on your designs and earn money for each sale.

Write a Book

Have you ever thought about turning you blog content into a book? It is easy with a site call You sign up for free, upload your book and they will publish your book for you. You set your book cost and they get a percentage of the sale. (For further details see

Market Your Talents offers bloggers the ability to market their talents. You are able to gain employment for positions that you qualify for. All of this is targeted at bloggers. Inessence you are building a blogging career. This i would say is a must see.

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  1. Wow! Awesome blog and very helpful and inspiring post. I am bookmarking it and when I have more funds I will be coming back to it. I've been wanting to get some promo stuff made to sell and I will be visiting all of those sites you listed. Thank you for posting this! I'll be coming by here often.

    My name is Sarah, I just started following your blog through Super Stalker Sunday. My blog-magazine is called Skylar. It is a fashion magazine, but it covers pretty much everything. I am always trying to find ways to monetize and promote, so I'm glad I found you!

    I would love for you to stop by and follow back. I will be back here often for more great tips! Thanks and Happy Holidays!

  2. Hey! Just found your blog and now following. Hop on over to my blog and follow back :)


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