
Showing posts from 2013

Tips for Using Honey in Cooking

Honey will enrich and add subtle flavour to dishes such as casseroles, sauces and dressings. Honey can be used as a natural substitute for sugar in most recipes but as it is sweeter than sugar, less is needed. Similarly, as almost one-fifth of honey is water, the liquid content of a recipe should be reduced by the same amount. Honey with meat:- Honey-cured ham or baked gammon coated with honey and mustard date back from medieval times. Marinades containing honey and vinegar make meat more tender and succulent. In a barbecue sauce, golden honey gives a distinct flavour as it caramelises. Honey gives a delicious crispy coating on roast chicken. Honey with vegetables:- Just adding a small amount of honey can do surprising things for everyday vegetables such as honey glazed carrots. Orange blossom honey is perfect when added to a spicy vegetable stir fry as the sweetness of honey counteracts the spiciness of chillies, peppers, garlic and spices. Honey in salad dressings:- A

Who Says You Are a Victim?- Positive Wednesdays

Who says you are a victim? No seriously, who told you that you are a victim? Yes, I am talking to you. I know that often it might seem like your life is totally falling apart but are you really a victim because of this. Oftentimes, the negative things that are happening in our lives are several learning curves. These are often the lessons we need to learn but we are too pigheaded to acknowledge them. So, does this mean you are a victim? No, you are only a victim when you declare that you are.  Yes, I said it. You are the one who is victimizing your own self. You’re the one who is speaking negativity and hopelessness in your own life. I am dead tired but this post has been in my heart because this is something that I have been doing without even thinking about it. It is day 17 of my 21 day challenge and it has been a serious learning curve. I was in church on Sunday and right after communion and I was praying, out of nowhere, I was stung by a wasp. I kid you not. Immediately, I st

Ways in which Baking Soda can be used in the Home

As long as I can remember, my mom had a box of baking soda in our home. However, I have never thought about using baking soda until a friend of mine mentioned how it helped to exfoliate her skin. She kept telling me about her morning skin care routine. Yet, my interest was not piqued until I saw her skin looking absolutely radiant. I was in awe. So, the next day I bought my first box of baking soda.  Here is a list of ways you can use baking soda: Scrub You can pour a teaspoon of baking soda unto a damp rag and gently exfoliate your skin. You will find that it leaves your skin nice and smooth. I was amazed at how smooth my skin felt. Deodorizer You can pour four teaspoons of baking soda in an open container and place it in your fridge. Over time you will realize that your fridge will remain noticeably free of various odours that accompany various foods. Brighten colours You can add a handful of baking soda to your laundry and it will help to brighten the col


1. Use good posture. Walk tall, look forward, (not at the ground) gazing about 20 feet ahead. Your chin should be level and your head up. 2. Keep your chest raised, and shoulders relaxed (shoulders down, back and relaxed). 3. Bend your arms in slightly less than a 90 degree angle. Cup your hands gently. Swing arms front to back (not side to side - arms should not cross your body.) Do not swing elbows higher than your sternum (breast bone). Swing your arms faster and your feet will follow. 4. Tighten your abs and buttocks.. Flatten your back and tilt your pelvis slightly forward. 5. Pretend you are walking along a straight line. Resist the urge to elongate your steps. To go faster -- take smaller, faster steps. 6. Push off with your toes. Concentrate on landing on your heel, rolling through the step and pushing off with your toes. Use the natural spring of your calf muscles to propel you forward. 7. Breathe naturally. As you walk, take deep, rhythmic breaths, to get the maximum amount

The Versatility of Olive Oil

If you think that olive oil can only be used in the kitchen then you better think again. There are so many ways you can use olive oil in your life beyond just cooking. Here are some great uses for olive oil: ·       Moisturize your skin – A small amount works well as hand lotion and helps cure cracked heels. ·       Remove stickers – Apply a few drops and spread over the sticker. Let it sit for thirty seconds and then the sticker should peel off easily. ·       Condition your hair – Apply to your hair after shampooing. Let it sit for twenty minutes and then rinse out for shiny, smooth hair. ·       Prevent hairballs – Add a few drops to your cat’s food to prevent hairballs and make their fur shiny. ·       Get off grease – If you have been working on the car an easy grease remover is just a teaspoon of olive oil! ·       Get rid of lice – Coat hair and scalp in olive oil and let sit for thirty minutes. Apply every day until lice are gone. ·       Lube – G

How to Pick Up the Pieces after a Tragedy

We are never prepared for a tragedy like the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. Or like the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. Or like the attacks on the World Trade Centers. Devastating, horrific events like these are rare, but they do happen. When they do, it is not just those who were directly affected who must learn how to survive and how to live life again. Even the spectators -- even those of us who lived hundreds or thousands away from the events -- can feel the same fear, grief, and despair that these tragedies can cause. Fortunately, you can pick up the pieces after a tragedy and learn how to move on. Of course, the process will be different depending on how close you were involved in the tragedy -- and if you were directly affected, you will need to do serious work with a counsellor. However, these steps can help you start the healing process: Don't Dwell on the "Why" You will want to find answers to explain why a tragedy happened so you can make