Sunday, October 2, 2011

DIY Sundays- Essential Oils

Essential oils are liquids that are distilled (by steam or water) from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark and roots of a plant. Highly concentrated, these oils contain the 'life force' of the plant and are one of the great untapped resources of the world. This life force contains the powerful healing properties of the plant and helps provide our family and home with health and pleasure without polluting our bodies or the environment.

Here are my top 4 Essential Oils and why you should have them in your home:

If you have nothing else, this is the oil you should have at home. Not only does it smell out of this world but lavender is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, antidepressant, sedative and detoxifier that promotes healing and prevents scarring. It also helps with burns. I use it when my kids have cuts or sunburns. I put it on my pillow at night to help me sleep, and if I had a particularly stressful day. You can use it as a spray (add distilled water and put in a spray bottle) when one of the kids have a cough or cold to prevent it spreading around the house and to promote quick healing.

Found in Australia, the Aborigines have used this plant for centuries for its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Tea tree is helpful for all sorts of infections, acne, fungus (including the hard-to-get-rid-of nail fungus) and athlete's foot and is a fantastic all-natural household cleaner.

Jamaicans have long known the healing properties of mint tea. However, the distilled oil is 100 times more powerful. It is an excellent digestive, aids the respiratory system and is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Peppermint oil can be used for gas and bloating, bad breath, headaches and fatigue. Just a tiny bit rubbed on the stomach can help indigestion. Instead of popping a pill next time you have a headache, try rubbing a few drops on your temples and breathe your headache away.

Eucalyptus oilis great when my kids were babies! It can be used for chest problems and colic, a few drops on a cotton ball in the crib helped to clear stuffy noses in minutes. For older kids, who have a bad cough, you can rub five drops on their feet at bedtime and their coughs will quickly subside.

Taken from:


  1. Hey there! I love essential oils my Pilates instructor {sounds totally lame I know} got me into them a few years ago and they have helped me immensely with my anxiety attacks - lavender is the best for calming. Coming by to say hello

  2. I agree, essential oils are really good to keep on hand. Great post...thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  3. I actually was just thinking about DIY body oils 2 weeks ago! Love the lavender scent, i also love vanilla or anything that's like sugar cookies. My daughter has allergies and eczema so all the scents and fragrances would be a definite no go for her.

    P.S. I'm now following you Miss Lioness!

  4. I'm actually a distributor of DoTerra essential oils. I love them! I couldn't begin to choose a favorite!

    I am now following you from MBC. I would love a follow back.

    Thanks so much!

  5. Thanks for sharing! I absolutely LOVE lavender, but didn't know about the other oils! :)

  6. love this post!
    Blogger wouldn't let me comment earlier!


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