
Showing posts from March, 2012

5 Uses for the Baking Soda - D.I.Y Sundays

Ditch the Chemicals! 5 Uses for the Baking Soda Already in Your Pantry Forget buying expensive green products! Everything offered by the top name brand green household cleaners can be found in one simple non-toxic ingredient that your grandmother has been using for years: household baking soda.  Most of us have a box of baking soda in our pantry and we might grab it from time to time wondering if it will take out grass stains, but, other than that, the typical box of baking soda usually just sits there, only living up to about an eighth of it's full household potential.  So, from now on, try out these uses for baking soda that will save you money, preserve the environment and have stand the test of time. 1.   Kitchen and Bathroom Cleaner To use baking soda for cleaning counter tops, just grab the box and lightly sprinkle it onto the counter. Wet a washrag and rub the baking soda around, scrubbing areas that need more cleaning. For whiter counter tops, rub some lemons a

How to Host a Successful Blog Hop- D.I.Y. Sundays

What is a Blog Hop? Simply put,  a blog hop is  when bloggers enter thier url, blog name or their name and often email address in a linky. This information comes up as a list. Bloggers then click and follow other members on the list. You should leave a comment on the person's blog and he or she will follow you back. Joining  a blog hop enables bloggers to meet fellow bloggers, increase their reader base and their blog following. It also helps bloggers to find blogs that they might not necessarily find. How to Create a Blog Hop A blogger can host a blog hop with anyone of the following linky. Here are two popular ones: Linky Tools InLinkz You can sign up for free and then create your hop and cut and paste the html code in html format when you are creating post. You can then click back to compose and look at it in preview. Then you can publish your blog hop. How to Gain Blog Hop Participants Gaining blog hop participants is very simple- ADVERTISE. Ad

4 Ways to Stay Productive in the Office

Your eyes and shoulders are heavy and droop.  Your attention span is thin, and your motivation even thinner.  You try to focus, but everything seems hazy.  You're listless.  We all know what it is: the 4 o'clock doldrums.   Working in an office (or at any job or activity) can be physically, mentally, and even spiritually stifling.  When the afternoon finally rolls around, we often find ourselves watching the clock tick so slowly that it's painful instead of doing the work we know we need to do.   It's almost impossible to fight the distraction and the malaise after sitting in front of a computer screen for eight hours straight.  We were not meant for it.  If you are having trouble staying productive and clear-minded at work all day, try some of these tricks to keep you focused, refreshed, and smiling all day. Take Breaks Numerous studies have shown that people are more productive when they split their work up into manageable time slots with breaks in between.  If